Emergency Scenario 780_f4_11


Location Information

Full Location:
Hafnarbraut 2, 780 Höfn, first floor of the Health Center. Single story concrete building, built in 1990. Main entrance is accessible via ramp. Parking is available in front of the building. Building equipped with fire alarm system. Current conditions: 8°C, overcast, good visibility. GPS coordinates: 64.2528° N, 15.2082° W. Nearest landmark: Höfn harbor.
Municipality: Höfn
Postal Code: 780

Emergency Details

Type: Dialysis Patient Transfer
Priority Level: F4
Response Time Goal: Routine (1-4 hours)
72-year-old male, chronic kidney disease patient, requires routine transfer from Höfn Health Center to Akureyri Hospital for scheduled dialysis. Patient is stable, conscious, and alert. No acute medical issues reported. Patient is ambulatory with assistance. Patient has a history of hypertension and type 2 diabetes, well managed with medications. No allergies reported. Patient is currently awaiting transfer in the outpatient waiting area.

History of Events

Patient has been receiving regular dialysis treatments in Höfn. Today's treatment was completed without complications. Patient is scheduled for a follow-up dialysis session at Akureyri Hospital tomorrow morning. Patient has been fasting since midnight per protocol. No recent changes in medical status or complaints reported. Patient was last seen by a nurse at 13:00, all vitals stable. Patient has been waiting for transfer since 13:30.


Initial Assessment

Initial Impression: Routine Dialysis Patient Transfer.
Justification for F4 Classification:
- Patient is stable, without any acute medical issues.
- Transfer is for a scheduled medical procedure, not an emergency.
- No immediate medical intervention is required during transport.

Differential Diagnoses:
- None. Patient is stable and the transfer is routine.

Final Diagnosis

Emergency Call Transcript

Dispatcher Emergency services, what's your emergency?
Caller Hello, this is Jón Einarsson from the Höfn Health Center. I'm calling to arrange a routine patient transfer to Akureyri Hospital.
Dispatcher Okay, can you provide me with the patient's details?
Caller Yes, the patient is a 72-year-old male, kennitala ******-****. He needs to go to Akureyri for his scheduled dialysis.
Dispatcher Is the patient stable?
Caller Yes, he is stable. He completed his dialysis here today and is ready for transport. No medical issues to report.
Dispatcher Does he have any medical history we should be aware of?
Caller He has chronic kidney disease, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes. All well managed with medication. No allergies.
Dispatcher Okay, the transport will be arranged. Please keep the patient comfortable and we will be there within the routine timeframe.
Caller Thank you, we will wait here.

Scenario Number: 780_f4_11

Generated At: 2024-12-15T09:31:51.709727

Report Created: 2024-12-15 20:59:49