Emergency Scenario 700_f4_21


Location Information

Full Location:
Lyngás 14, 700 Egilsstaðir, single-story residential home. Built in 1985, concrete foundation with wood frame. Main entrance is at the front of the house, no security features. Gravel driveway. Current conditions: 8°C, overcast, good visibility. GPS coordinates: 65.2667° N, 14.3944° W. Nearest landmark: Egilsstaðir Airport.
Municipality: Egilsstaðir
Postal Code: 700

Emergency Details

Type: Rehabilitation Transfer
Priority Level: F4
Response Time Goal: Routine (1-4 hours)
76-year-old male, post-operative hip replacement, stable condition. Patient requires transfer from Egilsstaðir Hospital to his home for ongoing rehabilitation. Patient is alert, oriented, and mobile with a walker. Primary symptoms: Mild discomfort at surgical site, no signs of infection or complications. Secondary symptoms: None. Patient is independent with ADLs but requires assistance with transport. Medical history: Total right hip replacement 5 days ago, hypertension, hyperlipidemia. Medications: Paracetamol 1g QID, Rivaroxaban 10mg daily, Atorvastatin 20mg daily. No known allergies. Last meal was a light lunch at 12:00.

History of Events

0800 hours: Patient completed morning physiotherapy at Egilsstaðir Hospital
1000 hours: Patient was cleared for discharge by the orthopedic surgeon
1030 hours: Patient is awaiting transport to his home

Prior Events: Patient underwent elective total right hip replacement 5 days ago due to osteoarthritis. Post-operative recovery has been uneventful. No recent illnesses or injuries. Patient has been compliant with all post-operative instructions. Patient lives alone and has a supportive neighbor who will check in on him daily.


Initial Assessment

Initial Impression: Post-operative rehabilitation transfer, stable condition.
Justification for F4 Classification:
- Patient is medically stable, not acutely ill or injured
- Transfer is non-emergent and can be scheduled within a routine timeframe
- No immediate threat to life or limb

Differential Diagnoses:
1. Post-operative rehabilitation transfer (primary)
2. Minor post-operative pain (expected)
3. No other differential diagnoses are indicated at this time

Required Actions:
- Schedule non-emergency transport from hospital to patient's home
- Ensure appropriate transport equipment (wheelchair or walker)
- Provide patient with discharge instructions and medication list

Final Diagnosis

Emergency Call Transcript

Dispatcher Emergency services, this is the dispatch center, how can I help you?
Caller Hello, this is Jón Einarsson, I'm calling from Egilsstaðir Hospital. I need a transport to my home.
Dispatcher Okay, what is your address and what is the reason for the transport?
Caller My address is Lyngás 14 in Egilsstaðir. I've had a hip replacement and the doctor says I can go home today.
Dispatcher Okay, can you confirm your date of birth?
Caller Yes, it is the 15th of February 1978.
Dispatcher Thank you. Are you able to walk with assistance?
Caller Yes, I can use a walker. I just need help getting into the vehicle.
Dispatcher Understood. We will schedule a routine transport for you within the next few hours. Please wait at the discharge area.
Caller Okay, thank you very much.

Scenario Number: 700_f4_21

Generated At: 2024-12-15T09:48:58.944248

Report Created: 2024-12-15 20:59:49