Hótel Hérað, Miðgarður 11, 700 Egilsstaðir. A two-story concrete building constructed in 1950 and renovated in 2010. Main entrance is accessible via ramp, secondary entrance at the back. No elevators, stairs only. Street parking available. Hotel has a fire alarm system. Current conditions: 8°C, overcast, good visibility. GPS coordinates: 65.2641° N, 14.3946° W. Nearest landmark: Egilsstaðir Airport.
74-year-old male, status post left total hip replacement 3 days ago at Landspítali in Reykjavik. Patient is stable and requires transfer to rehabilitation facility at Heilbrigðisstofnun Austurlands in Egilsstaðir. Patient is alert, oriented, and comfortable. Patient has no acute complaints, but requires assistance with mobility. Transfer is for continued rehabilitation.
Timeline: 3 days ago: Patient underwent a left total hip replacement at Landspítali in Reykjavik. Procedure was uneventful. Day 1-2 post-op: Patient was monitored and received standard post-operative care. Patient was ambulatory with walker, tolerated physiotherapy well. Today: Patient is cleared for transfer to rehabilitation facility in Egilsstaðir. Prior Events: Patient had osteoarthritis in the left hip for several years prior to surgery. No other significant medical history. No known allergies. Medications: Regular pain medication, anti-coagulation. Last meal was breakfast at 07:00.
Initial Impression: Post-operative status, stable for rehabilitation transfer Justification for F4 Classification: - Patient is medically stable, no acute symptoms or concerns. - Transfer is for routine rehabilitation purposes. - No immediate life threat or urgency. - Patient is post-operative, requiring transport for continued care. Differential Diagnoses: 1. Post-operative recovery (primary diagnosis) 2. Deep vein thrombosis (low probability, patient on anti-coagulants) 3. Infection (low probability, no signs or symptoms) 4. Surgical complications (low probability, no symptoms)