Emergency Scenario 600_f4_20


Location Information

Full Location:
Hlíðarvegur 14, 600 Akureyri. A single-story residential care facility, built in 2005. Main entrance is accessible via ramp. Multiple exits, all with standard door locks. No known security codes. Paved parking lot. Current conditions: 7°C, overcast, good visibility. GPS coordinates: 65.6752° N, 18.0909° W. Nearest landmark: Akureyri Botanical Garden.
Municipality: Akureyri
Postal Code: 600

Emergency Details

Type: Geriatric Care Transfer
Priority Level: F4
Response Time Goal: Routine (1-4 hours)
88-year-old male, resident of nursing home, needs routine transfer to Akureyri Hospital for scheduled follow-up appointment with cardiologist. Patient is stable and ambulatory with assistance. No acute medical issues. Patient has a history of atrial fibrillation, hypertension, and mild dementia. Patient is alert, oriented to person and place, but not time. Transfer is for a routine appointment and not an emergency. Patient is currently sitting in a wheelchair.

History of Events

0900 hours: Patient had breakfast, medications administered.
0930 hours: Patient was assisted to his wheelchair and is ready for transport.
0945 hours: Nurse calls to arrange transport, no changes in patient status.

Prior Events: Patient has been a resident for 2 years, has regular appointments at the hospital. No recent changes in health status. Last hospital visit was 3 months ago. Patient has been stable since last visit. No recent falls or injuries. Patient's last meal was breakfast at 09:00. Patient has no acute issues.


Initial Assessment

Initial Impression: Routine Transfer for Scheduled Appointment.
Justification for F4 Classification:
- Patient is stable, ambulatory with assistance, and has no acute symptoms.
- Transfer is for a scheduled appointment, not an emergency.
- No immediate medical intervention is required during transport.
- Response time goal is routine, within 1-4 hours.

Differential Diagnoses:
- None, patient is stable and transfer is for a scheduled appointment.

Required Actions:
- Dispatch of a non-emergency transport unit.
- Ensure patient's comfort during transport.
- Transport to Akureyri Hospital for scheduled appointment.

Final Diagnosis

Emergency Call Transcript

Dispatcher Emergency services, what's your emergency?
Caller Good morning, this is Hildur Jónsdóttir calling from Hlíðarvegur nursing home. We need to arrange a routine transfer for one of our residents.
Dispatcher Okay, can you give me the patient's name and date of birth?
Caller Yes, it's Einar Karlsson, born on 05/12/1935. His kennitala is ******-****.
Dispatcher And what is the reason for the transfer?
Caller He has a scheduled follow-up appointment with his cardiologist at Akureyri Hospital today.
Dispatcher Okay, is he stable and ready for transport?
Caller Yes, he's stable. He's in his wheelchair, ready to go. No acute issues.
Dispatcher Does he have any medical conditions I should be aware of?
Caller Yes, he has atrial fibrillation, hypertension, and mild dementia. He's on medication for those.
Dispatcher Okay, we'll arrange a non-emergency transport for him. It should be there within 1-4 hours.
Caller Perfect, thank you very much.
Dispatcher You're welcome. We'll be in touch when the transport is on its way.

Scenario Number: 600_f4_20

Generated At: 2024-12-15T09:41:25.228280

Report Created: 2024-12-15 20:59:49