Emergency Scenario 465_f4_5


Location Information

Full Location:
Hafnargata 12, 465 Bíldudalur. Single-story wooden residential building constructed in 1955. Main entrance has a single wooden door. No elevator, no stairs. Street parking available. No specific security features. Current conditions: 8°C, overcast, good visibility. GPS coordinates: 65.7017° N, 23.5389° W. Nearest landmark: Bíldudalur Harbour.
Municipality: Bíldudalur
Postal Code: 465

Emergency Details

Type: Oncology Patient Transfer
Priority Level: F4
Response Time Goal: Routine (1-4 hours)
76-year-old female, known oncology patient, scheduled transfer from home to Ísafjörður hospital for routine chemotherapy. Patient is stable, conscious, and alert. No acute medical complaints. Patient is ambulatory with assistance. Requires stretcher transport due to weakness. Patient has a history of lung cancer diagnosed 2 years ago. No recent changes in condition. Requires oxygen at 2L/min via nasal cannula during transport. Patient is anxious about the transfer but is otherwise cooperative. Patient's daughter will accompany during transfer.

History of Events

0800 hours: Patient had light breakfast
0900 hours: Patient took prescribed medications
1000 hours: Patient prepared for transport
1030 hours: Daughter contacted emergency services to confirm transfer
1100 hours: Current time, patient awaiting transport

Prior Events: Patient has been undergoing chemotherapy at Ísafjörður hospital for 2 years, with regular transfers from Bíldudalur. No recent hospitalizations for acute conditions. Last chemotherapy session was 3 weeks ago. Patient has stable chronic cough and occasional shortness of breath on exertion. Patient lives at home with her daughter.


Initial Assessment

Initial Impression: Scheduled Oncology Patient Transfer
Justification for F4 Classification:
- Patient is stable with no acute medical complaints
- Transfer is routine and non-urgent
- Patient's condition is expected and manageable
- No time-critical elements are present

Differential Diagnoses:
1. Stable Oncology Patient (Primary diagnosis)
2. Dehydration (unlikely, patient has been drinking fluids)
3. Minor Respiratory Distress (low probability, patient is stable on 2L oxygen)
4. Anxiety (present but not requiring immediate intervention)

Required Actions:
- Dispatch of non-emergency transport vehicle
- Ensure stretcher and oxygen are available
- Verify patient's medical records and transfer details
- Coordinate with Ísafjörður hospital for arrival time

Final Diagnosis

Emergency Call Transcript

Dispatcher Emergency services, what's your emergency?
Caller Good morning, this is Guðrún Jónsdóttir. I'm calling about my mother's scheduled transfer to Ísafjörður hospital for her chemotherapy.
Dispatcher Okay, can you confirm your mother's name and address?
Caller Her name is Sigríður Eiríksdóttir, and we are at Hafnargata 12 in Bíldudalur.
Dispatcher And what is her kennitala?
Caller It's ******-****.
Dispatcher Thank you. Is she stable and ready for transport?
Caller Yes, she's stable. She's a bit weak, so she needs a stretcher. She also needs oxygen, 2 liters per minute.
Dispatcher Okay, we have all the information. A transport team will be there within the next 1-4 hours. Is there anything else?
Caller No, that's all. Thank you for your help.
Dispatcher You're welcome. We will contact you when the team is on their way.

Scenario Number: 465_f4_5

Generated At: 2024-12-15T09:42:03.092297

Report Created: 2024-12-15 20:59:49